Friday, June 15, 2012

The Bouncing Souls

The Bouncing Souls @ Webster Hall
June 9, 2012
Opening bands were Static Radio & Cheap Girls

Shot for The Village Voice.

Here's a link to the slideshow on The Village Voice's website! (please excuse the weird coloring, I have no idea why it did that).

I figured I'd post some of the images that didn't make the cut for the slideshow but my bosses loved nonetheless and one that the colors look weird on so you can see how it was supposed to look.

Before I do that though, my review of the show.  It was AMAZING!!!  It was a completely sold out show, people were packed front to back with very little wiggle room.  Unfortunately for me there was no photo pit but thankfully someone was nice enough to help me onto a weird ledge thing off to the side.  Now, my one criticism if the show was the horrendous lighting, but that was out of the bands control.  What they could control was the show they put on and the vibe for the room.  They played a mix of old and new.  Their setlist felt almost flawless because they wove the new songs in with the old and they worked together perfectly.  In a way the Souls have mellowed out from when they could be distinctly called punk or pop-punk.  Their new album Comet is neither pop, nor punk, but it's completely unique and so right for them.  My recommendation is that everyone should definitely pick up a copy.  I've been listening to mine almost continuously since the show and although I love all the songs, my 2 favorites are "Coin Toss Girl" and "We Love Fun".

And now, on to the photos!
First is this awesome couple!

And This

Static Radio

Cheap Girls

Crowd Shots Before The Bouncing Souls take the stage

The Bouncing Souls

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